Sunday, October 29, 2006

Nov 4-5th: VATSAF celebrates its 1st birthday

It is VATSAF's birthday and we invite all pilots to join in celebrating this festive occasion!! VATSAF is one of the fastest growing regions in the world, at one stage achieving over a 326% increase in online hours!! They pride themselves in adhering as close as virtually possible to the real-world South African procedures.

The event will span two days, the 4th and 5th of November, and three major airports will be fully manned with Cape Town and Johannesburg centres covering the whole of South Africa. The ATC staff will be manning the RADARs for 10 hours, from 1100Z through to 2100Z on each day. That means Long-Haul pilots also get to take part.

Pilots should download and be familiar with the most recent SIDs, STARs, RNAV routes and Airport Charts. All this information can be found at

Pilots are more than welcome to visit the VATSAF Home Page to find out more or to even become a member. Everyone is Welcome!!

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