Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Apr 15th: Mancheaster

Manchester + Easter = Mancheaster!

The Northern RTS proudly presents Manch-easter, a Vatuk Sunday event.

Experience some of the finest controlling by VATSIM-UK's Northern RTS on Sunday 15th April from 1500-2100 UTC as Manchester (EGCC) opens its runways and staffs up the airport to its real world counterpart, from Delivery right up to London Control (EGTT_N_CTR) with everything in between, including dual towers. They sure have it covered! That's up to 10 controllers at any one time!

So why not join in the fun, maybe a long haul across the pond, or a short hop from London Heathrow? High traffic levels are expected, with many Virtual Airlines joining in the fun. Don't miss it! Controller bookings are almost completely sold out now so you are guaranteed an excellent flight!

Let us make your Easter!!

Charts can be found at: www.ais.org.uk (Free Registration Required)
Manchester information: VATSIM-UK website

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