Monday, June 25, 2007

Jul 1st: Malta Real Ops

On 1st July 2007 Malta will host our first real operations fly-in. We have prepared 120 inbound and outbound flight from 5 to 23 UTC, based on real world Sunday schedule. You have regular scheduled and also some charter flights to many parts of the continent and of course to the U.K at your disposal.

To book a flight, visit Of course you can book more than one flight if you're ready to spend more time with us. Any info (charts, procedures, sceneries) can be found on our new website

Jan 30th: Kinshasa Independence Day Real World Ops

We are proud to present everyone on the VATSIM Network with VATDRC's first event to celebrate the Democratic Republic of Congo's Independence Day. On this day we will be fully staffed with at least Kinshasa Center, Approach, Tower and Ground for your enjoyment for a full 4 hours. For real world flight schedules, charts, scenery and routes please visit our web site at

Come and enjoy a day with us in the busiest Terminal Area in Central Africa, this will without a doubt be the most realistic and organized flying experience you can get in Central Africa.

Jan 30th: Rush hour Johannesburg

Winter falls in Southern Africa, the runway lights in Johannesburg turn on extra-early. This time, however, you won't be alone - every position manned as if in the real world, aircraft waiting around in holding patterns, go-around instructions... You're never alone in Rush Hour Johannesburg.

Charts and information for pilots are available at

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Jun 23rd: VATUK VACC-SAG Summer Shuttle

VATSIM UK and VACC-SAG has joined forces for a never before seen event! Pilots have the opportunity to fly between the manned fields as many times as they like on Saturday 23rd June as both divisions take the summer by storm and staff up many well known airports.

The UK division will be hosting Birmingham, Luton, and London City, whilst VACC-SAG will have Berlin, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, and Zurich overflowing with controllers! The fun starts at 1700z.

Charts can be found via and

Friday, June 15, 2007

Jun 16th: No Delay - Helsinki Vantaa

VACC Finland and Finnish Virtual Aviators' Association are organizing a realistic and professional fly-in event for Helsinki-Vantaa Airport on Saturday, 16th June 2007. The event begins at 15.00 UTC and continues until late night. All ATC positions at Helsinki-Vantaa airport will be staffed during the event.

The fly-in will feature
- professional air traffic service, provided live at CAVOK 2007 with special equipment
- FISD Remote Controlled Scenery & ATC controlled lighting
- partly closed main runway (due construction work) and temporary taxiing restrictions give extra experience
- high traffic volumes ensure the realistic and high-intensity event

Further information, charts and scenery are available at

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Jun 17th: The great UK IFR treasure hunt

The treasure hunt to end all treasure hunts! The goal – locate Anneka lost and languishing, guarding a grand prize at an airfield somewhere in the UK. Collect the clues from UK Regional Airports to unlock the mystery location. Then head to Heathrow to record your answer. Want to play? Read on…

Collect clues from the EGTT_Q_CTR controller when arrived on stand at the regional clue airports (EGHH, EGFF,EGNT,EGBE,EGPH,EGSH) to work out the mystery location. You must fly by IFR rules under controller direction using standard routes (available from the vatsim uk flight plan database). When you think you have worked out the mystery airfield location fly IFR to Heathrow. You can only log one answer. You only get a clue if you, fly, land and taxi to the stand as instructed by the airfield controllers. You cannot pick up a clue with a touch and go, nor if you start at one of the clue airports.

For further details, and how to submit your answer click here. Standard Routes and links to charts are available at

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Jun 10th: CalScream XII

Pilots, get ready for some of the best flying in California, heck the entire West Coast! We're staffing up to the hilt to make your flight as 'real-as-it-gets.' Rather than creating large traffic flows into one or two fields, CalScream seeks to fill the skies with traffic going in many directions at once, and landing/departing at many different airports.

To help plan your flights, the developer of SimRoutes has created a site where you can signup knowing who's flying from different airports at different times, based on the real world flights,. Push back from the gate at the same time as your real world counterpart, and enjoy the amazing scenery and ATC that ZLA has to offer. Reserve your spot now!

Further information on the event website
Click here to sign up

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Jun 10th: Bohemian Shuttle Event

As a tribute to Scaramouch, Galileo, Wayne and his World and last not least to the great Freddy, the Czech and Italian Division on VATSIM proudly present the ultimate “Bohemian Shuttle Event”

The big GIG will take place at Rome Fiumicino (LIRF)and Prague Ruzyne Airport (LKPR)

Chart links: Prague // Rome
Scenery: Rome Fiumicino // scenery update by Alberto Molteni

Let’s do the “fandango” on Sunday, 10th June 2007 between 15.00 – 21:00 UTC

Enjoy it!

VACC-CZ and VATITA (the rocking ATC`s)

Jun 9th: Singapore Summer Scramble

Want to escape from the chilly winds in the southern hemisphere? Want to enjoy the summer season on the sunny beaches of Singapore? In conjunction with the summer vacation, Singapore Virtual Area Control Centre is proud to bring you Summer Scramble 2007!

We invite you to fly in or out of Singapore Changi International Airport (WSSS) on 9th June 2007, from 0900-1300 Zulu. his event is in conjunction with our very first meet up, in which our controllers will be controlling in the same room to provide enjoyable and realistic Air Traffic Control within the Singapore Airspace. So come and experience some quality flying this summer in the Southeast Asian region!

For more information please visit our event webpage