Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Jun 17th: The great UK IFR treasure hunt

The treasure hunt to end all treasure hunts! The goal – locate Anneka lost and languishing, guarding a grand prize at an airfield somewhere in the UK. Collect the clues from UK Regional Airports to unlock the mystery location. Then head to Heathrow to record your answer. Want to play? Read on…

Collect clues from the EGTT_Q_CTR controller when arrived on stand at the regional clue airports (EGHH, EGFF,EGNT,EGBE,EGPH,EGSH) to work out the mystery location. You must fly by IFR rules under controller direction using standard routes (available from the vatsim uk flight plan database). When you think you have worked out the mystery airfield location fly IFR to Heathrow. You can only log one answer. You only get a clue if you, fly, land and taxi to the stand as instructed by the airfield controllers. You cannot pick up a clue with a touch and go, nor if you start at one of the clue airports.

For further details, and how to submit your answer click here. Standard Routes and links to charts are available at

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