Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Dec 15-16th: J500 Traffic Jam Event - CYWG (Winnipeg)

The J500 event is courtesy of the CZWG FIR, in cooperation with the CZYZ FIR. The event is going to start at 2100Z on December 15th, and will go all night. ATC will fully staffed at both CYWG (Winnipeg) and CYYZ (Toronto). All pilots are welcome to enjoy flights from both airports, to and from. The routes from each airport are listed below in bold. The J500 airway is going to be very busy "ACA123, traffic is at your 12 o'clock, 15 miles, 1000 feet below, a Boeing 737, at FL320". Most of all - Have FUN!

Where: CYWG and CYYZ (Joint Event)
When: December 15th, 2007 from 2100Z - 0200Z
Why: Huge amounts of traffic on the J500 airway!
What: Pilots have the option of either flying from CYWG-CYYZ or CYYZ-

Please see the forum events notice for the recommended routes and contact for further information

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