Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Feb 2nd: Secondary Airports Challenge EDDV-EDDE-EDDN-LOWL

As we all know, pilots and controllers like airports with a lot of traffic. But isn´t it boring always flying into the big hubs to see some other aircraft out of the window....???

That´s why we decided to offer the Secondary Airports Challenge 2008 on February 2nd

Hannover (EDDV) - Erfurt (EDDE) - Nürnberg (EDDN) - Linz (LOWL)
17:00 - 22:00 UTC

Enjoy the German or English ATC in different dialects (Austrian, Bavarian, east&north German) All airports offer nice (freeware) sceneries for the FS9. Here´s your challenge... Visit all 4 airports in the 5 hours event time and make it a real challenge for the controllers to handle high amounts of traffic on small airports.

Further information like charts, frequencies, routes can be fond on the event page : http://www.edww.de/event/events.htm

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