Friday, March 14, 2008

Mar 16th: VATPAC Panic Stations

This event will take place on Sunday, 16th March from 0830Z to 1130Z. It has been a regular event within the VATPAC region and is designed to get pilots and ATC online together for maximum interaction. The pilot who successfully completes a full stop landing the closest to 1030Z, but after that time, at the designated Airport is the Winner. Winners to date have usually flown greater than 400Nm to arrive at the event location.ATC services are provided and aim to co-ordinate the arrivals as safely and ordered as possible. There should not be any shortage of ATC coverage in this area of Australia.

Brisbane International Airport (YBBN) is the location for this event.
A special website for the event containing information on procedures, charts, and more can be found here.

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