Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Jul 2nd: Opening Event VACC Austria

It's finally done, the well known FIR Wien around the airports Vienna, Innsbruck, Salzburg, Klagenfurt, Linz and Graz, becomes its own VACC - the VACC Austria. To celebrate this great event, we invite each pilot to visit us on 2nd July 2008 between 20:00 and 22:00 local (1800-2000z) and to join a special "Weekly Wednesday", which will remain our weekly onlineday in the future!

This evening, every international airport of Austria will be fully staffed, so every pilot has the opportunity to fly inside Austria with full ATC - not only on the ground, also enroute controllers will be available!

Charts and further information will be available stating with 1st July 2008 via our new homepage, available on After registration you will be able to login on our forum, our own Teamspeak server and our documentation Wiki, which provides information for pilots and controllers as well.

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