Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Dec 30th: Michigan Ski Trials

VATUSA's ZMP is hosting an event this Saturday, December 30th, at 1800z. The event is called Michigan Ski Trials.

Michigan Ski Trials is a revolutionary new pilot challenge for the best of the best here at VATSIM. Using accurately placed (to real world aeronautical charts) radio antennas placed in a zig-zag pattern around the Michigan Peninsula (and parts of lower Michigan), this event will test your own thinking, flying, and most importantly your navigating skills. From your starting airport (KSAW for jets, KTVC for props) you will depart and travel to a handful of scenic locations where you are to find a certain antenna, fly around it, and move on to the next needle. There are four needles to find in the jet route and three to find in the prop route. Once having successfully (under the watchful eye of a Center controller) completed the mission, you are to land at Alpena, MI (KAPN) where you receive your flight time!

Event signup is available at

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