Monday, January 01, 2007

Jan 6th: VATeir Real Ops Event

From the VACC that brings you the annual St. Patricks day event, and the hugely successful Ryder Cup event 2006, on January 6th 2007 VATeir (The Irish division of the VATSIM Network) will be pleased to host their first Real Operations event. This event will be based around the real world flights and times of both Dublin (EIDW) and Cork (EICK). It was thought that having just one airport was not enough so two would be better! Throughout the real operations times of 16:00z to 00:00z they will fully staff both airports, including centre positions based in Shannon and Dublin.

Select up to 100 flights to or from Dublin and Cork! With a great events website full of useful information on charts and procedures along with the all important booking information on the
flights, there should be no shortage of help available, so why not check it out here Please note that due to server difficulties there may be a delay in being able to book flights, please however turn up on the day between the above times regardless of having a slot booked or not.

On booking a flight each pilot will be provided with an information package which includes all the relevant information for their flight and everything they need to get to their airport of choice.

Finally VATeir would like to take this time to wish you and yours a Bright and Prosperous New Year.

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