Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sep 29th: Agadir earthquake

An earthquake occured in Agadir and Morocco needs help for lots of victims. So, if you can help us carrying emergency and first aid materials , we'll appreciate it.

The earthquake has destroyed some vital parts of Agadir Al Massira (GMAD) and the ILS system is not yet available, so only visual approaches are possible. And as final part of runway 28 has been damaged, the useable part is reduced to 6600 feet. So only light and medium aircrafts can land in GMAD.

The event will take place on September 29th from 16:00 to 20:00 UTC. Full ATC coverage (GMMM_CTR, GMAD_APP and GMAD_TWR) will be provided.

Charts and procedures for GMAD are available at

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