Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Sep 29th: Swiss VA meeting

Zurich.SwissFIR.News report Sept 29th, 2007.
See and be seen was the credo of this years VA-Meeting at Zurich-Airport. Never before were so many VAs seen at one Airport. All of them wanted to show that they are the biggest and the best. IFR or VFR-VA, all of them were there. The Controllers had hard to work and the airport was full as never before. Of course not only VA's were welcome. Individual pilots could book their own flights too.

Help us to make this report a reality. VA's out there - register and book your slots. Show you are the biggest VA with the best pilots. Meet other VA's in Zurich and make us controllers sweat! All VA's will be invited by e-mail. If your VA doesn't get an invite just register here. As written in the press-release above also Pilots who are not flying for a VA are warmly welcome.

The event will take place at 29th September from 1300Z until 0100Z. Zurich Airport will be fully staffed. Book your slot at where you will also find information about the airport, scenery, charts and more

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