Monday, October 08, 2007

Oct 13th: Cape of Good Hope Fly-In

As spring begins in South Africa, VATSAF invite all pilots to come and fly in the "Mother City" of South Africa: Cape Town. Starting at 18:00z, we will have full ATC right up to Area control with other airports like Johannesburg and Durban open too. Following the great success of the Rush Hour Johannesburg event, why not come visit us again?

Cape Town is the third biggest city in South Africa, as well as the capital of the Western Cape region. Overlooked by the world-famous Table Mountain which is visible from all sides on approach to FACT, Cape Town was founded in 1652 by the Dutch settler Jan van Riebeeck. Now it boasts one of the most multi-cultural societies of the world, with three prominent languages: Afrikaans, English and Xhosa. Luckily for you, we'll deal with you in English, unless you ask nicely!

Cape Town International airport is also the second busiest airport in South Africa, and one of three international airports, serving destinations in South America, the Middle East, Europe, South-East Asia, and neighbouring African countries, not forgetting hundreds of domestic South African flights operating several times a day!

So, spoilt for choice really, why don't you come pay us a visit? Kom kuier! Masityelele!

Further information at

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