Friday, October 05, 2007

WorldFlight 2007

With just over a month to go, one full motion, seven fixed based and one other desktop simulator will embark on a round the world journey on the VATSIM network raising money for their various charities.

On November 4th at 2300hrz zulu time, eight of the simulators will assemble at YSSY (Sydney Australia) and depart to the north for Darwin and then on up through Asia and Europe on a trip that will take seven days flying in real time with real world procedures and 24hr ATC services. The Canadian Charity Flight will operate at the AVSIM conference venue in Seattle on the weekend of November 10th and 11th

The simulators are based in Australia, United Kingdom, Scotland, Austria, Canada and the USA and represent B747-400, B767, B777, B737, A300 and A340 aircraft.
Charities that will benefit are Royal Flying Doctor Service, Orbis Flying Eye Hospital, Warwickshire and Northamptonshire Air Ambulance, Cancer Research Foundation UK, Cancer For Children St.Anna Kinderkrebsforschung, World Vision Canada and the Toronto Hospital For Children.

Links to the World Flight Group are;
World Flight Australia :
World Flight Australia-Team 737 :
UK World Flight :
Simfest UK :
World Flight Scotland :
World Flight USA :
World Flight Canada :
World Flight Austria :
Charity Flight Canada :

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