Sunday, February 24, 2008

Mar 1st: Royal Hanseatic Shuttle

We would like to invite all pilots to fly the Royal Hanseatic Shuttle Event on Saturday night. London Heathrow, one of the busiest airports in the world and Hamburg Fuhlsbuettel, with a relativly small, crowded airspace and crossing runways, will be fully staffed tonight, to offer excellent service for pilots from all over the world.

Expect high quality ATC with a lot of frequency changes from 17:00 - 23:00 UTC. Additional frequencies will be opened to handle the high
amount of traffic we expect. From 1900 - 2300 utc EDDH TWR/GND/DEL will be staffed out of one room for best coordination and lot´s of fun... So don´t worry if you hear voices in the background. Be well prepared, have your charts studied and enjoy a lot of traffic around you.

Further information on the eventpage:

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