Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mar 7-8th: ZAU Angels Event

The unpredictability of life could put any of us in a position of need. Accidents can happen at any moment that leave you or loved ones without the resources to receive medical attention or make it back home. What would anyone do in this situation?

Imagine if a group of volunteer pilots were available to fly you anywhere in the country to receive top of the line medical care. Imagine if these volunteer pilots could take you on one last trip to see your family on the other coast. Angel Flight Central does all this and more. These pilots, out of the goodness of their hearts, selflessly give up their time and resources to fly children and others all across the country so that they can receive the best in medical treatment and have a chance at a fulfilling life. But, they can not do it alone.

The Chicago ARTCC is sponsoring a 24 hour Control-a-thon to celebrate life and help Angel Flight with their mission. We welcome all pilots to fly in between 1900 Central Time on March 7th and 1900 Central Time on March 8th (0z-0z). You have the opportunity to help a child receive the care they need and instill the love of aviation in the leaders of tomorrow.

We kindly ask for any help you are willing to give us for this cause. Angel Flight Central will be collecting donations via their secure website found here. Donors are kindly asked to select ARTCC in the “introduced to Angel Flight by” column. Please help change the life of a child in need. Together, we as a group of aviation enthusiasts can instill the love of aviation for a child who honestly needs our help. The bottom line: Angel Flight Central saves lives, and by donating, so can you

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