Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Apr 11th: World Flight Proving Event

On April 11th 2008 at 1900Z, several of the WORLD FLIGHT fixed based simulators will embark on a three day shakedown exercise, The group will depart EIDW (Dublin) for KBOS (Boston) and the arrival time is scheduled for April 12th at 0200Z. From there the group will travel through 11 US cities as well as Canada and the Caribbean. The purpose of this weekend flight is to allow the WORLD FLIGHT teams and accompanying pilots to dust off the cobwebs and have a weekend of fun flying and mateship. New systems have been added to some of the fixed base simulators and they are keen to test them online.

For details of the route and times, go to http://www.wfusa2007.org/FFPE.php. If you can fly along with us, you will be more than welcome. ATC has been arranged for most of the legs and they would appreciate having some traffic to manage.

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