Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Apr 5th: African Supreme Operations 2008

On Saturday April 5th between 1800-2359Z all of the vACCs in Africa will be online giving full coverage of the entire African continent. The featured destinations with staffing will include, Casablanca (GMMN), Algiers (DAAG), Cairo (HECA), Douala (FKKD), Brazzaville (FCBB), Kinshasa (FZAA), Cape Town (FACT) and Johannesburg (FAJS). Both the North, Central and South Control Centers will be open to provide full en route ATC coverage including FSS. So you can try flying between any two regions and vACCs and get full ATC coverage all of the way in Africa. This event is guaranteed to be Supreme!

For charts, routes and sceneries see the links in the VATSIM events forum

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