Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Dec 1st: Central Africa Republic Day Real World Ops

On December 1st is the Republic Day of the Central African Republic. To celebrate VATDRC will be fully staffing the Bangui M'Poko International Airport (FEFF) for the first time for the Real World OPS all the way from Ground to Center for a full 4 hours from 1800-2200z! Don't miss this special once a year opportunity to experience this airport at it's peak of realism.

Located in the heart of Africa with a single ILS, 4 parking aprons and taxiways that don't go to the ends of the runway, this will surely keep everyone on the edge. Brazzaville Center's ATC Coverage will also include Brazzaville (FCBB), Kinshasa (FZAA), Douala (FKKD), Yaounde (FKYS) and Point Noire (FCPPP), so you can surely complete a couple of flights with full ATC from start to finish. For real world charts, flight bookings and scenery at selected airports please visit our web site at www.vatdrc.com

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