Monday, November 19, 2007

Nov 25th: VATeir Open FIR event

VATeir is pleased to announce the Open FIR Event which will take place on Sunday 25th November between 1800Z and 2300Z. With over 5 airports manned by up to 15 controllers, VATeir is set to go out of 2007 with a bang! Whether its flying domestic, continental or transatlantic, theres something for everyone.

VATeir will be providing ATC coverage for Dublin(EIDW), Shannon(EINN), Cork(EICK), and several regional airports, as well as coverage on Shannon Control. Anyone choosing to fly transatlantic from/to Ireland will be greeted by the sight of full Atlantic coverage as our friends in VATCAN and VATUK will also be providing coverage on Gander and Shanwick for the event.

For full information on scenery, charts and procedures for this event pilots should visit the special Open FIR Event website at: .

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