Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Dec 1st: VatFrance 1st anniversary

Here we are, already one year! A beautiful evolution, and still a load of work ahead of us. A website to help and inform you effectively; a lot of active ATC , Wednesday evenings with a regular coverage; more and more pilots coming back into the skies of our beautiful France.

To celebrate this first anniversary, simply write the shape of the number 1 in French airspace: 2 airports of departure and of arrival: Bordeaux and Marseille, with a compulsory touch-and-go on Paris CDG. If you don't want to touch & go, you can land at LFPG and take off a few minutes later.

Type of plane: according to your fantasy, but please avoid C172 or Concorde !
Flight level, speed : according to ATC's instructions. Expect an even flight level from LFBD to LFPG or from LFML to LFPG, then an odd flight level from LFPG to LFML or from LFPG to LFBD.

ATTENTION: departure all 2 minutes. Book your departure slot on VatFrance's pilots booking system. Obviously, you will not be taking off at 1900Z from Bordeaux or Marseille all at the same time ... At Paris, it's going to be rather hot, so please anticipate a waits and carry some extra fuel just in case of traffic jams (We are in Paris !)

So, it's simple, VatFrance expects you in a number as large as possible !

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